Download 270 mini electronics projects with diagram pdf

270 mini electronics projects with diagram pdf
270 mini electronics projects with diagram pdf 


270 mini electronics projects with diagram pdf

In the world of modern electronics that relies heavily on technology and smart devices, the book in our hands is considered a true treasure. An amazing journey through 270 electronic circuits, this work allows us to deeply explore the world of semiconductors and electronic gadgets. Walk with us through the pages of this book and discover the secrets of those small circuits that carry within them the ability to convert and transmit signals and data.

This book is not just an ordinary electronic guide, but rather an inspiration for everyone who loves electronics and wants to understand how the devices we rely on in our daily lives work.  You will find innovative circles and projects based on interaction and learning.  If you are a beginner in this field, you will find detailed directions and explanations that will facilitate your understanding and help you make the most of this electronic treasure.

Let us embark on this amazing journey into the world of electronics and discover what these countless electronic circuits can offer, and see with our own hands how to turn ideas into practical reality.  "It's your chance to discover science and creativity in the world of electronics.

The book content:

1-DC-DC converter.
2. Periodically On-Off Mosquito Repellent.
3. IR sensors (infrared LEDs) to make an object-detection circuit.
4. Simple Key-Operated Gate Locking System.
5. Mains Box Heat Monitor.
6. Faulty Car Indicator Alarm.
8. IW LED For Automotive Applications.
9. Play With Robotic Eye (IR Sensor).
10. Timer From Old Quartz Clock .
11. Keep Away Ni-Cd From Memory Effect.
12. Crystal AM Transmitter .
13. Programmable Electronic Dice.
14. Software of the Month: Resistor Calculator.
15. IR-Controlled Water Supply.
16. PC-Based Candle Igniter.
17. Noise Meter.
18. Handy Tester.
19. Linear Timer For General Use.
20. Strain Meter.
21. Digital Soil Moisture Tester.
22. Over-Heating Indicator for Water Pipe.
23. Simple Key-hole Lighting Device.
24. Timer with Musical Alarm.
25. Automatic Water Pump Controller.
26. Water Pump Controller .
27. Ball Speed Checker.
28. Halogen lamp Saver For Bikes.
29. Night Vision Enhancer.
30. Triple-Mode Tone Generator .
31. Soldering Iron Temperature Controller.
32. Mains Failure/Resumption Alarm.
33. Multipurpose White-LED Light .
34. IR-Based light Control.
35. Sequential Device Control using TV Remote. Control .
36. Make your own Electric Bug Zapper.
37. Twilight Lamp Blinker .
38. Emergency Photo Lamp.
38. Sound-Operated Intruder Alarm.
40. Electronic Street Light Switch.
41. Little Power-Hila Vinegar Battery to power a calculator. 
42. Standby Power-Loss Preventer .
43. Hum-Sensitive Touch Alarm.
44. Touch Alarm.
45. Versatile LED Display.
46. HDD Selector Switch.
47. Multiutility flash light.
48. Long-range Burglar Alarm Using Laser Torch.
49. Twi-light using white LEDs.
51. Infrared Object Counter.
52. Pushbutton Control For Single-Phase Appliances.
53. Timer for Mosquito Destroyer.
54. Automatic Soldering Iron Switch.
55. White LED Light Probe for Inspection.
56. Pencell Charge Indicator.
57. Doorbell-controlled Security Switch.
58. PC-Based Timer .
59. Power Resumption Alarm and Low-Voltage Protector.
60. Miser Flash .
61. Room Sound Monitor.
62. Battery-Low Indicator.
63. Micro Inverter.
64. Security System Switcher.
65. Another Water Pump Controller circuit.
66. Soldering Iron Tip preserver.
67. Automatic Washbasin Tap Controller .
68. Over-Speed Indicator.
69. Speed Checker for Highways.
70. 1.5W Power Amplifier.
71. Simple Stereo Level Indicator .
72. FM Bug.
73. Calling Bell Using an Intercom.
74. Digital Frequency Comparator.
75. Bhajan and Mantra Chanting amplifier.
76. Cable Tester.
77. Automatic 3-Phase Induction Motor Starte.
78. Wireless Stepper Motor Controllers.
79. Manual EPROM Programmer.
80. Noise-Muting FM Receiver.
81. PC-Based Stepper Motor Controller.
83. Automatic Bathroom Light with Back-up Lamp.
84. Simple Low-Power Inverter.
85. Mains Interruption Counter with Indicator .
86. Power-on Reminder with LED Lamp.
91. Farmhouse Lantern-Cum-Flasher.
92. Accurate Foot-Switch.
93. Multipurpose Listening Device.
94. EasyTransistor Tester.
95. TV Pattern Generator.
96. Sound-Operated Switch for Lamps.
97. Remote Control using Wireless Doorbell .
98. RF Signal Detector.
99. Infrared Interruption Counter Audio Mixer with. Multiple Controls.
101. Smart Loop Burglar Alarm.
102. Temperature-Tolerance Checking System.
103. Stereo Headphone Amplifier.
104. Radiation Sensor.
105. Whisker for Robots.
106. Freezer Monitor Alarm Photometer.
109. Smart Emergency Light.
108. Digital Camera Adaptor.
109. Mock Alarm with Call Bell.
112. Pocket-Size Reading Lamp.
113. Rechargeable Torch Based on White LED.
114. SMF Battery Guard.
115. Multidoor Opening Alarm with Indicator.
117. Pendulum Battery Charger with Automatic. Switch-off.
118.Clock Tick-Tack Sound Generator & LED.
119. Earth Leakage Tester.
120. Controllable Electronic Load Circuit for DC. Power Supply.

You can discover the other circuits in the book .

Book information :

Book Language: English.
Book Size: 19 Mb
Book Pages: 155
Book Format: PDF (digital book )
Rate : ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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