Why are electrical power transmission lines always sagging

Why are electrical power transmission lines always sagging
Why are electrical power transmission lines always sagging

 Why are electrical power transmission lines always sagging

Controlled sagging in the transmission line is a crucial engineering consideration that works to balance the dynamic forces affecting electrical power transmission lines. What is the main reason behind sagging in electrical power transmission lines?

 Why do we need sag in electrical power transmission lines:

 Sag has an essential role in protecting power transmission lines from excessive electrical tension. This is why the electrical conductors are not connected in a way, but rather they are allowed to sag.

Why are electrical power transmission lines always sagging
Sag in power lines 

 In fact, the sag in high-tension transmission conductors contributes to maintaining the electrical energy transmission system for a long-term period, in addition to protecting it in the event of expansion or contraction. Therefore, the sag rate is carefully set and carefully studied, balancing between safety, temperature expansion, the effect of wind, and other factors to ensure  Stability of the system and transmission of electrical energy safely and reliably.

Why are electrical power transmission lines always sagging
Sag explanation 

 The sag also works to reduce the stress on supports and electrical power transmission towers, especially in long distances, where the span length, i.e. the distance between two towers, plays an important role as the sag is proportional to the square of the span length, and the greater the span length, the greater the sag will be to allow the desired tension and thus ensure a higher clearance.  Suitable ground for the tower The tower must be higher than usual under special circumstances.
