In which connection does the electric motor operate at a faster speed, Star or Delta

In which connection does the electric motor operate at a faster speed, Star or Delta
In which connection does the electric motor operate at a faster speed, Star or Delta

 In which connection does the electric motor operate at a faster speed, Star or Delta

Welcome, visitors and followers of the Electron Tips website, in a new section of Q&A, Today’s question: In what connection does the engine reach a high speed? Is it in the star connection (star) or in the triangular connection (delta).

In this brief educational article, we will try to answer this question.

 First, the definition of star connection:

 In star connection, the ends of the coils are connected at one point in the shape of a star, so it is called the “star” connection, which is called the neutral point and is often connected to the ground line. The following picture shows the star connection for a three-phase motor:

Star connection
Star connection 

 Definition of delta connection:

 As for the triangular connection, here the motor coils are connected in the form of a triangle and the electrical voltage between each coil is the same, and in this connection there is no neutral point as the end of the first coil is connected to the beginning of the second coil and so on until we obtain a triangle shape, and  The following picture shows the Delta connection:

Definition of delta connection
Definition of delta connection

 Why do we use star or triangle conduction to operate electric motors:

 The reason behind using the star and triangle connections is to reduce the starting current of the electric motor. If the electric motor is connected directly, it consumes an electric current more than three times greater, and this poses a danger to the electric motor and also to the electrical equipment and devices associated with it. For this reason, it is used  Star or triangle connection depending on the application or work for which the electric motor is intended to be used.

 In which electric motor is connected at a greater speed, Star or Delta:

 Since the speed of the electric motor is affected by the electrical voltage applied to it in the stator coils and the pole counter, as well as the frequency, and as we know that the delta connection connects the three motor terminals directly to the power source, which produces a high electrical voltage equal to three times the voltage of the coil, and given that the voltage  The electrician is the one who determines the speed of the motor. It will run at a faster speed with a delta connection, unlike a star connection, through which both ends of the motor are connected to the power source and the third end to the neutral point, and thus a lower speed.

 In conclusion , the delta (triangle) connection is used in industrial applications that require high speed, for example, electric motors that are used in industrial and heavy electrical machines, while the star (star) connection is used in motors that require low speed, such as homes.
